Wifi Proctector is one application of android which use to prevent who are tired of being kicked from the network by WifiKill . And for those, who are a little bit paranoid, because they know it's quite easy to read the Wifi traffic with tools like DroidSheep, ettercap, FaceNiff, Cain & Abel and others. All those tools use the same technique to prevent you from accessing the network or to sniff your data. You can defend yourself with a single app. From the definition, this android application very useful for wireless hacker try to put out our ip address from using our self internet.
Showing posts with label Wifi Protector apk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wifi Protector apk. Show all posts
Home > Posts filed under Wifi Protector apk
Download Wifi Protector v 1.1.2 Wireless Security | Anti WifiKill | Anti DroidSheep
Posted by SH on Saturday, December 10, 2011 at 2:23 AM
Wifi Proctector is one application of android which use to prevent who are tired of being kicked from the network by WifiKill . And for those, who are a little bit paranoid, because they know it's quite easy to read the Wifi traffic with tools like DroidSheep, ettercap, FaceNiff, Cain & Abel and others. All those tools use the same technique to prevent you from accessing the network or to sniff your data. You can defend yourself with a single app. From the definition, this android application very useful for wireless hacker try to put out our ip address from using our self internet.